Bycatch Report

The importance of cetacean conservation


WWF has worked since it’s founding to stop the degradation of our planet’s natural environment by ensuring the conservation of endangered species. WWF, the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), and UN Environment collaborated to create a review of methods to reduce cetacean bycatch. The incidental capture of whales, dolphins, and porpoises has resulted in severe obstacles for many cetacean species and even regional extinction.



Agenda28 created a dynamic report where text, images, and infographics make a complex topic accessible to all readers. The result is an editorial piece where vibrant colors and fine lines reminiscent of fishing nets and other fishing tools, take the reader through the journey of understanding the importance of cetacean conservation and invites them to join forces with those who are in the fight for wildlife preservation.




  • Editorial Design


  • WWF